Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lent - Day 30 - Put on Patience

Dear Christian educators,

Whoever said it would be easy to be a Christian in the public schools? I doubt anyone would claim that. Easy is not what we are looking for but instead God's transforming power. This verse admonishes us to "put on" compassionate hearts, kindness, humility meekness and patience. The putting on of these attributes are gifts of the Spirit. We are God's chosen ones and He has chosen to place us in service to the public schools. Let's go to God for the ability to "put on" these humanly impossible gifts for the sake of our students.

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 30

Colossians 3:12 English Standard Version (ESV)

12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

Patience is one of those attributes of God that calls for the intervention of the Holy Spirit, for sure. In this verse, however, we are told to "put on" patience. What does that mean? Are we to muster up patience on our own? I'm not sure that's even possible. When we "put on" patience, it is with prayer. If there is a particular situation at school, that requires patience and you know you will need help, pray in the morning before you leave your home, pray the moment your arrive on campus and then pray in your classroom or office before the students arrive. He is able! If it's a situation that happens on the spot, before uttering a word, utter a short silent prayer using this verse that might go something like this: Dear Lord, help me to put on patience Your way please!

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for calling us Your chosen ones. What a blessing. Help us to be a blessing to our students, colleagues, administrators and parents by putting on compassion hearts. When a student is hurting, be compassionate through us Lord. Help us to put on kindness. When a colleague of ours seems so discouraged, be kind to them through us Lord. When we feel overlooked or undervalued at school, help us to put on humility, dear King. Instead of always having to get our way, help us to put on meekness by Your Spirit. When the days are long and the work comes home in our book bags Lord, grace us with Your patience. 

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Lent - Day 29 - Patience

Dear Christian educators,

Are you patient? Is it just a personality trait? There is no doubt that some people are more patient that others naturally, yet the promise of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit means that we will produce the Fruit of the Spirit. I remember a very wise principal once pointed out that the "Fruit" is singular and that we don't cherry-pick the ones we are more prone towards displaying. The Holy Spirit will display all fruit when we get out of the way and let Him. Oh that it was that simple on a day-to-day basis.

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 29

Romans 8:25 English Standard Version (ESV)

25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

What are some of the things we hope for in school and wait patiently for? Students who do not understand our content and suddenly the light goes on. Patience paid off. Colleagues who seem to be against what we stand for, come to us in a crisis. Patience paid off. Administrators that seem to unfairly evaluate us give us a glowing evaluation. Patience paid off. Naturally in any scenario in school, patience is undergirded with prayer. Ask others to pray for you when you are hoping for something that you just don't see happening. Patience will pay off when you issue is solved or may no longer even matter. 

Dear Lord,

Thank you for teaching us to wait. Waiting on You is always beneficial because when we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Help us with patience Lord, especially in this time of the year when there are plans being made for next year already. Lord, help us to wait on you for the right position, right class, the right assignment because You place us where we need to be when we wait on You. Help us when we are impatient to catch ourselves. O Lord, we love You for so many things! What a gracious God You are. We ask for patience in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Lent - Day 28 - Correcting Opponents with Gentleness

Dear Christian educators,

We are the Lord's servants. Our duty is to not be quarrelsome and to be kind to everyone. We must also be able to teach while patiently enduring evil and correcting our opponents with gentleness. That's a big charge! However, the payoff is eternal because if we do these things, perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of truth. Isn't that our hope especially for the students we serve and the colleagues with serve with?

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 28

2 Timothy 2:24-25 English Standard Version (ESV)

24 And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,

This verse makes me think of the grievance system between the unions and administration.  When things are not going the way we think they should, we have the right to grieve the situation. Sometimes it becomes a helpful tool to bring issues to solution, but too often it's used as a weapon. What if every Christian educator modeled this verse? Would it mean that nothing evil would come our way? On the contrary, it's almost a guarantee that evil will be experienced, but if we answered our opponents with gentleness, not being quarrelsome, while being kind, there may be quite a different outcome. No doubt, it's hard to do, but this is one of the ways transformation can happen with God's love and truth.

Dear Lord,

We are so grateful to Your wisdom and grace. How can we show gentleness when are opponents are accusing us? You teach us in Your Word not to be quarrelsome. You will need to help us Lord. We always want to let them know our point of view. Your way is always so different and surprising. Help us Lord to be kind to everyone (including our opponents) with gentleness so that You may perhaps grant them the repentance that leads to a knowledge of Your Truth. What a gift Lord. Have mercy on us. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Lent - Day 27 - With Gentleness and Respect

Dear Christian educators,

As Christians in the public school, our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Change Maker, the Chain Breaker, the Life Giver and the One Who loves us. We do not look to convert or proselytize, but to be missional in our relationships. We are missionaries to those who are hurting and lost and by our conduct we seek to show the reason for our hope and to do it all with gentleness and respect.

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 27

1 Peter 3:15 English Standard Version (ESV)

15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

Wouldn't a classroom of gentleness and respect be the goal of every school community? When we set up our rules and goals in the beginning of the year, we all seek to have a safe environment with respect and dignity. Upholding these high standards are not impossible, but improbable as the school year is in full gear. Often times we don't even see a tangible change, but attitudes and behaviors seem to slip. We need prayer each day for our students, colleagues, administration and the whole school community. Prayer for Christian educators in the public schools is never in front of the classroom, but always in private before or after school undergirding our efforts to be gentle with respect. Do you have a prayer partner at school? You can pray alone but the beauty of having a partner, triplet or group is that Jesus said that where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am among them. Let's invite Him in and you will see true transformation.

Dear Lord,

Let us give you all the honor and glory. You are the hope that lies within us and we can hardly wait to live eternally with you. Help our hearts that are prone to wander stay close to You, O Lord. Help us to honor You in all that we do and when someone asks why we are different or why we have such hope, show us how to be prepared to make a defense and to tell them with gentleness and respect. Lord, You are the Hope of Mankind. Help us to be contagious so that others will ask and we will be able to tell of your greatness. Blessed be Your Name. We ask for this in the gentle name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lent - Day 26 - Humility and Gentleness

Dear Christian educators,

In our world today we typically associate humbleness and gentleness with weakness when the opposite is quite true. In this world, we push and shove to get our way, but those who are Christ-followers are learning to be like Him. Jesus is the Gentle Shepherd. Who is more powerful than He? Jesus is the Humble Servant. Who is more important than He? I just love how Jesus turns the world's ways upside down and shows us how we ought to be.

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 26

Ephesians 4:1-2 English Standard Version (ESV)

Unity in the Body of Christ

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,

I love how Micah 6:8 lays out what is important for us. "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." In our school communities, we need humble servants who treat the children with gentleness. Christian educators have the heart of Jesus and when we seek to represent Jesus we have a heart to do things His way. When it seems impossible to be gentle in a hostile environment, remember that Paul was writing Ephesians 4:1-2 from prison. Now that's not a place where we would look for gentleness for sure. Let us be mindful of situations at school where we can turn the issue from hostility to gentleness with humility. With consistency, they will come to see that you are real and then you have the opportunity to tell them how Jesus is working with you.

Dear Lord,

You have called us to public education. Thank You Lord. Help us to walk in a manner worthy of this calling and do it with humility and gentleness, with patience while bearing with one another in love. Lord, it sounds so impossible on a day-to-day basis because life happens. Jesus set us such an amazing example of walking in humility and gentleness. He reached out to the marginalized and outcasts and came to serve. You are the Gentle Savior and the Humble Lord. We ask that Your will be done in our schools and we know that Your Word is our lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path. Show us how to be humble with great gentleness. It is not something we can attain on our own, but the Holy Spirit makes all things possible. Thank You in advance Lord for Your conviction and power. We ask for this in the Humble and Gentle Name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lent - Day 25 - God's Kindness

Dear Christian educators,

Romans 2 is about judgment. Oh how easy it is to judge others and not consider the consequences. Anytime we judge another, we are condemning ourselves because we do the very same thing we are judging others for! Thank God for the riches of His kindness toward us. Praise the Lord that He is kind to us to bring us to repentance. Isn't this what Lent is all about?

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 25

Romans 2:4 English Standard Version (ESV)

Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?

We do not have the legal right to preach repentance in our classroom. We are teachers, not preachers, so what can we do legally? Honesty is one of the highest character values in any school setting. Modeling honesty, teaching the benefits of honesty (Honesty is always the best policy - Ben Franklin) and using quotes to emphasize honesty are all needed. When it's time to confront a lie from a student, you have set the ground work. Our hope is that they will tell the truth. We can pray privately for the Holy Spirit to convict them to tell the truth. Our highest goal is to be like God - extending the riches of His kindness that leads to repentance.

Dear Lord,

Please forgive us for any presumptions we have ever made about Your kindness. The richness of Your kindness leads to repentance. Thank You Lord. Help us to tell the truth and when we mess up, lead us with the riches of Your kindness to repent quickly for You have said the if we confess our sins, You are right and just to forgive them. Lord, help us to be an excellent example of honesty at our schools and in our homes that we may bring You all the glory. We love You and thank You in the kind name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lent - Day 24 - A Spirit of Gentleness

Dear Christian educators,

I will be the first to admit that gentleness is not my strong suit. I tend to be more like a bull in a china shop (if that were the opposite of gentleness). However, this is one of the greatest areas of improvement we can all work on for the sake of the students. We need only to cast our eyes upon Jesus and see His gentle touch on the unlovables. What a Mighty God we serve!

Each day during this season of Lent, I will post one verse and pray it with you. Consider saying the verse in your quiet time and praying it also. You may use the same prayer or try your own. Each day until Easter (except Sundays) there will be a new post that contains: a verse, a small reflection, a prayer using the Scripture and an image. Feel free to share the images because I made them with the Bible Lens app and took all the pictures. What a creative God we serve!

Day 24

Galatians 6:1 English Standard Version (ESV)

Bear One Another's Burdens

6 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

I wrote an blog entry on gentleness in the classroom a few years ago. This is an excerpt from it:

What might a gentle classroom look like? One of the synonyms for gentle is placid. As a lake without ripples, waves or turbulence, a gentle classroom will have a sense of calm. As the gentle leader, our students will respond to “events” in our classrooms as we do.  Ask any substitute teacher about classroom personalities. If the teacher is loud, the class is often loud.  If the teacher is calm and soft spoken, the class, in general, takes on those qualities. It’s a great experiment to test this theory.  Speak in your normal tone while giving instructions or lecture and then mix it up with a very soft voice. Our students will immediately notice the difference, perhaps strain to listen, and if given the opportunity to respond, they will answer in a quiet tone.  Our classrooms environments are set by our standards, our mannerisms and our display of the Fruit of the Spirit.  Let’s be purposeful in being gentle to these precious children we will inevitably be making an impact upon. Let’s strive to be gentler in order to give our students a calm, orderly, and safe place to learning.

The greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus, was described as gentle shepherd. What a compliment if we could be like Him! These four verses are my favorite reference to gentle in the Word.  May you and your students be blessed with a gentle classroom this year.

Proverbs 15:1
 - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Matthew 11:29
 - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Philippians 4:5
 - Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

1 Peter 3:15
 -But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

Dear Lord,

Help us to have mercy with gentleness on our brothers and sisters in the public schools when they fail. You are the Ultimate Encourager and You are always so gentle. Help us not to judge, but to gently restore them in their trouble. Who of us has not failed? Help us to see the plank in our own eye before we look at the speck in their eyes. Oh Lord, give us eyes to see when we can be helpful and the wisdom to know when to intercede on their behalf. Thank You Lord for Your gentle mercies each day. We ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayerfully yours,

Karen C. Seddon
CEAI - Christian Educators Assoc. Int.
State Director for Florida
....an unqualified recipient of His unconditional love

2 Timothy 3:16 -17- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.