Friday, March 9, 2018

Tales from the Teachers in the Trenches - 1

Who are the Teachers in the Trenches? 

They are the hot-hearted, the humble and the ones who seek the Lord's direction in their high calling. 

Micah 6:8 - He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Luke 24:32 - They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

I have the humble honor to visit with many of our called-out, hot-hearted educators in the public schools and thought it would be encouraging to share some of the stories of His grace and presence in our public schools today. The names and places are not their real names, but the stories are the real thing.

Rachel is a kindergarten teacher in Pompano Beach, FL. After attending one of our LIFT America dinners, she realized she was not alone. Too often as classroom teachers, we don't get out of classrooms, especially in these days of school security and locked classroom doors. Her eyes were opened to the joy of sharing her faith with her colleagues at her "table of 8" at the dinner and continuing the conversations at lunch and before or after school with her brothers and sisters at her school. The Lord has been working with her to spending more quality time with her family and she recently had surgery that has curtailed her ability to lift anything (including her bookbag!). Rachel is now getting all her work done at school - even when it's not totally done and going home without the pressure of planning, grading and forms to complete. Somehow they have all waited for her on the next day. She praises God for turning a trial into a blessing.

Sabrina is a K-8 principal in Seminole County, FL. She and her husband have been pastors of a church, but after difficult injuries for both, they needed to let their pastoral duties go. Although it has been a bit of a void, the Lord revealed to Sabrina that He placed her as principal at her school to shepherd the staff and students. Although she never crosses the line of principal to pastor in her official capacity, she has been able to counsel teachers who are overworked, overstressed and heavy-burdened when she takes her principal hat off. When counseling a teacher in need, she asks if they would allow her to pray from them (with her principal hat off) and the peace that passes all understanding bonds them in a way that only God can do.

Katrina is a 5th grade teacher in Osceola County, FL. She has been praying about finding others who believe like her for a while. She was invited to a LIFT America dinner and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw over 100 educators from her own district praying and fellowshipping together. At her own table, she was able to meet teachers who were also Christian and were even from her own school. Katrina immediately joined CEAI's Free Movement which helps all educators realize they are connected to something bigger than their own school and later realized just how amazing CEAI is. She became a full-time member because she wanted to support the cause of encouraging, equipping and empowering educators with Biblical principles. She also received a $2-million liability policy as a benefit of membership. Katrina not only feels protected, she feels connected!

Linda is a high school Intensive Reading teacher in Brevard County, FL.  She too, attended a LIFT America dinner and was inspired to start a teacher fellowship group. Because teachers have so much on their plate and so little time to gather, they decided to study Around the Word in 180 Days - the Promises of God. With 200 promises available, the scripture is listed in four translations, their is a small note to the Educator, a prompt of our 1:16 PM prayer and and small area to reflect. The teachers were excited to begin this study which affords them time in the Word together and the rich blessings of God applied to their classrooms. 

I praise God for the opportunity to encourage, equip and empower these precious educators and look forward to being able to share with you what God is gracing us with in the public schools. If you have a story, send me your "tale" in an email to

Prayerfully yours,
Your prayer coach,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these great stories. Very encouraging.
