We have only four readings this week since Memorial Day was on Monday, but that doesn't make it any less powerful. Being in the Word of God in community is a precious gift from God. If you haven't started listening is yet, perhaps you can do one a day during summer to refresh your spirit. The dates will be off, but the Word of God is always current. Keep focused these last few days, they are the hardest to keep the students interested, but it is critical that we have them work until the end. They can play on summer vacation!
Around the Word in 180 Day can be heard on our new app which is available on all smartphone options by typing CEAI or Christian Educators or going to this link:
As we draw closer to the end of the school, I will need your help to determine if we should continue Around the Word in 180 days for the 2014-2015 school year. We began on March 31st as a beta version and will complete the reading of Mark on June 6th. If there is enough interest, then we will continue in August with the Book of Luke.
Please let me know by email or in the comments below (kseddon@ceai.org) if you think having a time in the Word of God in community makes sense.
As always, I am
Prayerfully dependent on Him,
PS. Don’t forget to spread the word about the 1:16PM Prayer Movement.
• Follow us on Twitter for the prayer prompts @one16pray
May God bless you with success His way this 2013-2014 school year.
Note: To more fully understand the 16-9 Movement, please read the first blog entry by clicking here.
Christian Educators Association International is the only professional association in the United States specifically for Christian educators in public schools. CEAI protects our members first in prayer, next with excellent professional liability insurance and other benefits while helping them live out their high calling as a Christian in the public school.